Episode Pre Approach and Rapport. Building rapport is very fundamentenal and Basic of our Business and Everything is lur life in general. Rapport is TRUST and RELATIONship. This are the 2 vital things we must have to do business with anyone.
I hope everyone is having a great week. It is important to always feel great because only by starting to feel it then you accomplish all your dreams. Like Zig Ziglar famous quotes. You dont have to be great to start but you can start to be great.
Before we jump to the topic. I hope the past episode had able to help you reach a different height and had help you achieve better results. Keep on practicing because thats what our circle of control. Only with consistency and persistent we become better and better and then we only Master it. So master it gais.
Alright lets jump to today topic “ Pre Approach Building Rapport. this is the 2nd process in sales cycle after we Prospecting. As a new person entering this business surely we must be very excited to start it. Surely you cant wait to approach your first prospect. And some could be excited but fears and worries or doubt start to cloud their mind. They will start have butterfly in stomach of what to tell, how to approach and what if this prospect said that or this. Or you probably had mix feelings of excited and fear. Let me tell you this is a everyone experience starting. So you are really on right track.
So this podcast I hope can be a tools for you to handle things well and get your pen and paper.
Pre approach is a PRE preparation before we are going to make the approach. Before we go to war. There are 3 things in Pre Approach which is
1. appearance. Our image. What do we want to project. Profesional image.
2. Ability - ROLE play concept selling, profuct knowldge. Feature and benefit
3. Attitude - 90% attitude
With all this prepared than you should be able to secure more results.