Alright, fire up the BBQ! We are serving up charred hot takes for this 4th of July. And, Joe knows just the figurative potato salad to bring to the picnic. He scares us all with the fleeting possibility of glaucoma, but gives us the Steve/Joe friendship origin story, deals with our fragile childhood school stories, brings us how he got into improv (a racecar pulled up, and the guy said, "Hey, you're funny. You're the funniest guy I've ever seen.") and teaches us some of it at the same time, listens carefully while we figure out which plastic surgery we're gonna order, chimes in on Rich's latest conspiracies: Mt. Weather underground bunker and the declassified UFO sightings and the possibilities of aliens, and shares his topic: most popular posts of Reddit, before finally shouting out his podcast "Fair Deal: an Improvised Mediation." Well, we have a lot of questions. Like, first of all: how dare you?