BC Housing & Providers: Challenges and Experiences During COVID 19
This podcast is a recording of a webinar panel discussion originally aired on May 5th, 2021.
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HSABC Webinar Host Sarah Kift speaks with BC Housing, Turning Points and PHS Community Society about the use of hotels and motels as community self-isolation sites & shelter expansions during the pandemic.
In response to the COVID-19, BC Housing worked with regional health authorities, municipal partners and experienced non-profit shelter and housing providers to develop community-based response plans, including the unprecedented use of hotels and community centres.
Join representatives from BC Housing and two shelter providers as they: share data, experiences and stories from the front-lines; discuss the successes, challenges and lessons learned from operating these sites; identify specific tools and approaches that have been useful in transitioning people from motels/hotels to housing; and Q&A with attendees.
• Dominic Flanagan, Executive Director, Strategic Initiatives, BC Housing
• Danielle Scott, A/Director, Supportive Housing & Programs, BC Housing
• Alison Houweling, BA, BSW, MSW, RSW, Manager of Education and Community Programs, Turning Points Collaborative Society
• Tanya Fader, BA, BA Psych, MC, Director of Housing, PHS Community Services Society
• Duncan Higgon, Senior Manager of Housing, PHS Community Services Society