Hey friends! Our first podcast is in the books! Although I was nervous as heck, it was a blast getting to spend time with some people who really know their stuff when it comes to accessibility. Jon Sasala was the perfect complement in style to mine which apparently involves looking at the corner of my screen. Note to self, need to work on looking at or near the camera on occasion. And if Jon wasn't enough, I had the honor of hearing both Tanya Scales and Jon McLaren of HubSpot really drive it home. If you have thoughts about this episode and want to comment, go on over to the HubSpot Community Developers' Blog and comment away!
As promised here are the show notes!
The WebAIM Million Report: Statistics on accessibility web-wide.
HubSpot Developer Documentation on accessibility: This guide was written to be a good starting point for those starting to learn about accessibility.
Deque courses and axe tools: Popular accessibility testing tools and educational information.
HubSpot theme boilerplate GitHub repository: Start from a foundation that HubSpot and community members continue to iterate on improving accessibility, performance, and best practices. Feel something could be better? contribute!
HubL menu() function: Build your own menu HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG): The industry standards for digital accessibility.
Deque - Coding Accessible SVGs: The comprehensive screen reader test mentioned by Tanya during the podcast - re: Stefen’s question
IAAP - International Association of Accessibility Professionals: Referenced during podcast for Tanya’s credentials - for more information on this org and certifications
Web A11y Slack workspace (not HubSpot)
The #accessibility channel in our HubSpot Developer Slack.