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By Jasmine Acosta
The podcast currently has 14 episodes available.
This week's novel, The Disaster Tourist by Yun Ko-Eun, takes the idea of disaster tourism one step too far.....
Additional books mentioned:
*Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, Naomi Klein
This week we talk about author Jeff Van Der Meer's Hummingbird Salamander, a lyrical eco-thriller, and climate anxiety and grief.
Do you make decisions based on logic? Or would you be comfortable making decisions based off of...say, a dream? This journaling episode is talking about The Dreamers by Karen Thompson Walker.
Amazon's Upload asks major questions, but attempts to answer the biggest: What if Death was no longer the "great equalizer"?
In The Adam Project, Mark Ruffalo and Jennifer Garner are reunited nearly 20 years after starring in the fantasy rom-com 13 going on 30. Ryan Gosling plays their adult son. the titular Adam, in this time-travel dramedy. Listen in as we discuss more about its sci-fi themes.
Need something to watch this holiday season. Look no further! Spoiler: Uh, most of these have nothing to do with Christmas.....
The Day After Tomorrow...climate change disaster film. What could possibly go wrong? But big themes at play here:
Note: This film was actually made in 2004 - not 2005 like I state in the episode!
Do you really have a choice? That's what we're talking about today in this Journaling episode based on two very short lines from the film Blade Runner.
Today we're discussing War of the Worlds - the sci-fi classic...but the 2005 movie version.
Today we're discussing Octavia Butler's Parable of the Sower. A big question in this book and series: Is there room for the Christian God in a post-democratic declining America?
The podcast currently has 14 episodes available.