Facilitator: Brad
Topics: Trouble finding the Send in mail app on watch 3; Issues with Pandora stops song; issues with update with Mail categories; Can you turn on or of Apple Intelligence; Can you use the crown on Apple Watch to answer or hang up a call?; Using double tap on watch with a call; Apple watch asking for Passcode; Any other way to save emails besides in archive folder; issues with automatic delete with emails; Constant asking for Apple ID; Getting 2 different emails from same sender; Expanding preview notifications; Issues the updated Seeing AI with finding the reading channels; Using Apple Music $2.99 for 6mo limited offer; Is there a yearly subscription for iTunes; What's better Google and Google Lens or Chrome or Safari; Having storage issues on phone; When Forward option on an email is dimmed; Can you download music from YouTube to iPhone?;
iBUG Bytes: Brad: Using Settings defaults in Apps, manageSettings in different Apps
Call Feedback:
iBUG Announcements: Like 1, 2, 3 Not like
Introductions Yes 1, 2, No 1, 2
Q and A elaboration time: 10 minutes limit but depends on Q, Maybe elaborate in second half; Using the chat; Maybe breakout room; Maybe have a volunteer in background research Website to find when topics were talked about;
Movie clues: Yes 1, 2 , keep it to 3 clues,, gets little messy
Ibytes: Likes: 1, 2, 3, , Dislikes: 1, too many
Itoys: Likes: 1, 2, 3,