Health and Safety BriefingNominations Committee second report, Debbie Gillespie (Canada)Presentation 1: Stilson and Free—The Journey of the Monarch, Why Partnerships, Innovation, and a New Braille Standard Were Essential to Creating a Dynamic Tactile DisplayPresentation 2: Dang and Le Anh—Sao Mai BraillePresentation 3: Foulkes, Seger, and O'Callaghan—Braille Literacy and Tactile Learning: Developing Educational Materials for Students who are Blind or Low VisionPresentation 4: Holloway—Accessible 3D models and interactive tactile learning tools, Monash University Inclusive Technologies and the Australia and New Zealand Accessible Graphics Group (ANZAGG)Presentation 5: Sloane—HumanWare productsPresentation 6: Skilton—Pacific Vision InternationalPresentation 7: Cohen—Surtitles with braille and speech using mainstream software, New Zealand Opera