As we come to the close of 2016, we would like to share some of the most memorable highlights of every episode thus far on If I Ruled The World!
The show has been a great success because of all of you... the viewers! The Dream Team is so grateful for your viewership, loyal support, and dedication. We anticipate that 2017 will be even more successful, as we'll bring new upgrades to our show such as: one-hour broadcasts, celebrity guests and live skype sessions from viewers.
Please "Subscribe" to this channel as we will begin to broadcast each episode live here on YouTube!
Let's make 2017 a year of new beginnings, change for the betterment of ourselves & others, and lastly, completion.
The team at "If I Ruled The World" Live Vodcast Show would like to extend a sincere and heartfelt, "thank you" to everyone.
"Together We Can Heal The World!"