The more mistakes you make, the more you learn. Do not be afraid to make mistakes. And when you do, keep moving forward. "Kyle Corbett"
Here are the words of the podcast.
The more mistakes you make, the more you learn. Do not be afraid to make mistakes. And when you do, keep moving forward. Maybe you can fix the mistake and maybe you can't, but moving forward and keeping going is all that really matters. And trust me, the values, the lessons, and the education are already baked in.
I'll give you a prime example. Here's my note card for this video. Is that how you spell mistakes? Did I stop and worry about editing that perfectly to make it right? Or did I just move on and make the actual note list I needed to so I could create this video for you? I moved on, I kept it going.
We're going to keep going on this one. You're going to hear a few different videos from me about making mistakes and the intrinsic value it can actually have in your life.