You will enjoy Peggy Best's interview. See details below.
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Peggy Best aka Margaret Allyn Greene Best
Born in New York, graduated high school in Germany and college in Louisiana, Peggy married in Illinois and moved back to Louisiana. She has two sons born in Texas and one daughter born in New Mexico, and eight grandchildren. She has lived in several countries, states, and territories—Germany, Puerto Rico, Egypt, Japan, Guam, and the United States.
Peggy retired from teaching elementary school in Florida before pursuing a different career as an author. She considers her first book, Unsung Hero, as a tribute to her father containing his memories of being a prisoner of war during WWII, his time in Korea, and in Vietnam. Her second published work is
Dandelion Child: A Soldier’s Daughter. It tells her story of life as a child of the military during the Cold War. She is particularly excited about her last chapter which explores ways her reader can help children of today’s military.
Peggy believes everybody has a story to tell. Her company Peggy Best Memoirs LLC has been created to help others write or record their stories. [email protected] 352-753-4030 352-333-3022
You can purchase Peggy's books at the links below.
Thank you, again, for listening.