Tamara Allard joins our host Emily Pearl for this Episode of #CrownTalk where we discuss our college football rivalry, the PNW, #BlackLivesMatter, and try to tackle the issues of systemic racism in our public school systems. Both Tamara and Emily are extremely passionate about education--if you can't tell from how excited they get to share their statistics!
Tamara Allard is the National Spokesperson for National Higher Education Day, June 6th. To participate, post a photo on social media with using #NationalHigherEducationDay and tag @nhed_official to be re-shared! All you have to do is share a picture that represents your higher education experience. Tamara will also be competing for the title of Miss Washington in 2021 and you can follow her on social media @MissSunfairWA.
Links mentioned in podcast:
National Higher Education Day: https://nationalhighereducationday.org/
Peyton May's Fundraiser for the NAACP: https://www.instagram.com/p/CBEIVvEAvus/
United Negro College Fund: https://uncf.org/
Visit Yakima Valley: https://www.visityakima.com/blog/?p=1
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