The Gospel Mobilization Podcast

Innovative Mobilization with Ted Esler

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Have you ever wondered how we might innovate with regards to mobilization? What might be some consequences if our ministries fail to innovate? Is God asking you to take a risk, and to follow His direction? In this episode of the Missionary Mobilization Podcast, Dave converses with Ted Esler, the president of MissioNexus, and author of The Innovation Crisis. They discuss significant topics about how the world changes, and how we must creatively innovate in missions mobilization. 

Topics Discussed:

  1. What motivated you to write this book? 
  2. You write that, “If there is any one marker of an innovative ministry, it is that mission triumphs over methodology.”  Can you unpack that a little bit for us? 
  3. In chapter 6, you write about “wicked problems.” What are wicked problems and would the overall lack of missions engagement in our local churches be considered one? 
  4. When it comes to innovation, why is collaboration important?
  5. Innovative mobilization is often risky. How might you counsel a ministry that might be risk averse?
  6. What may occur in our mobilization ministries if we fail to innovate? 
  7. What types of innovation have you seen in mobilization?

Show Links:

  • [email protected]
  • Missionary Mobilization Journal
  • Pioneers
  • The Innovation Crisis - Ted Esler
  • Fuller Theological Seminary
  • MissioNexus
  • Trinity Bible College & Graduate School 

The Missionary Mobilization Podcast is a resource for Christian leaders who want to increase the number of missionaries around the world. Our goal is to equip and encourage missions mobilizers and missions pastors for greater Kingdom impact.

(The views expressed on the Missionary Mobilization Podcast do not necessarily reflect those of the Center for Missionary Mobilization and Retention)

If you have questions or ideas for a show, contact us here: [email protected]

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