In the season one finale, Kyle and Sam adapt the “Citizen Kane of bad movies,” Tommy Wiseau’s “The Room,” into a musical comedy, a task so daunting it nearly breaks them. Featuring a special musical performance by Grey Henson (Mean Girls on Broadway).
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“Oh Hai!” is written by Kyle Wilson, arranged, orchestrated, and mixed by Jason Weisinger, and mastered by Alexx Nielsen. Featuring Grey Henson as “Johnny,” Daniel Mertzlufft as “Mark,” Jackson Perrin as “Denny,” and Nicole Vazquez as the “Flower Shop Lady.” Singing in the “San Franciscan Chorus” are Sam Balzac, Derrick Davis, Molly Griggs, Emily Gardner Xu Hall, Tim Heller, Chloe Holgate, Jacqueline Keeley, Zanny Laird, Jess LeProtto, Jackson Perrin, Brandi Porter, Nicholas Del Prince, Rick Rea, Erica Spyres, Nicole Vazquez, Melissa Weisbach, and Jason Weisinger. Michael Jones on trumpet, Kenneth Johnson on trombone, David Leon on sax, Tomoko Akaboshi on violins and viola, Ansel Cohen on cello, and Dan Berkery on drums.
The IMH theme song is written by Kyle Wilson; produced by Andy Einhorn; arranged and orchestrated by Nevada Lozano; mixed by Daniel Kluger; mastered by Jessica Thompson; music editing by David Dabbon; lead vocals by Will Blum; backup vocals by Lindsey Roberts, Zanny Laird, Jackson Perrin, and Adrian Rosas; Trevor Neumann on trumpets, Rebecca Patterson on trombones, Chad Smith on saxes, and Evan Hyde on drums.