When you think of muscles, what do you think of? Biceps, quads, abdominals...? These are all muscles that need to be worked to be healthy and to keep out bodies healthy and strong. But what about the mind? The mind is also muscle, but one that is far more complex than the rest. You can't just feed your brain protein after a few heavy reps and call it a day. Your mind is a muscle that is always working and always evolving. It's also always learning. It's due to this complexity that I believe we need to find a coach to help us train it.
This is why I've decided to go to therapy.
It's likely you'd get a trainer to help your body, a nutritionist to establish your diet, a coach to help you level up in your field of expertise or a teacher to further your education. But why do we stop short when it comes to our minds? Perhaps stepping into our greatest life starts with working on our minds.