[CASE STUDY: BITCOIN] The Culture Behind The Currency
Add your name to the early bird list here https://webinar.canonwing.com/htcon/earlybird If you have any doubt that creating a brand culture creates massive sales, just look at Bitcoin— A brand that created a brand culture for people who don’t want to belong to a culture! In today’s episode, we reveal why the Bitcoin brand is brilliant, and talk about how you can do this branding magic for yourself! Tune in now… Top Tips
- There is an entirely new cyber-world that is forming right now, where the cryptocurrency you use says something about who you are and what you stand for.
- “The obsession with owning altcoins isn’t about how much they’re worth. It’s about how the cryptocurrency makes people feel about themselves. In a word: Branding.”
- In reality, the invention of cryptocurrency really isn’t rocking the boat as much as you might think. It’s just a perception.
- “Everyone wants to belong, and even an anti-culture community is a community.” - Canon Wing
- ANYWHERE where we feel like we completely belong, instantly becomes a home away from home.
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