In this episode Dr. Traci Williams is sharing how to create intentional focus using the PACT Goal Setting Method for Creating Intentional Focus.
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P is for purposeful, make sure your goals have a long lasting meaningful, passionate cause. Thinking from a big picture or too down perspective.
A is for Action - what specific action steps will you take to maintain clarity while obtaining your goals?
C is for Continual - what can you do that is Meaningful, Simple, and Repeatable (MS R)?
T - Trackable This can be as simple as marking off on a list of a yes or no question. Did you complete the goal?
A great example of using the PACT is:
I will post 2 reels per day on YouTube 4x weekly on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday.
I will increase my presence on Social in two months.
Have you tried this method before? How did it work for you? Another methods to come soon. Stay in touch here: