I’m going to make a bold claim. Not diet. Not exercise. Not affirmations. Not supplements. Nor any of the myriad things we are told to do for our health. The #1 predictor of our level of health and vitality is the balance we experience in our day-to-day lives. But how do we do it when we have so much filling our daily plate? Vanessa Schellenberg is a Woman’s Empowerment Coach, a practicing Registered Nurse, Mother of 4, Wife, and… you know… human like the rest of us! She spent years invested in her own personal growth in order to figure out how she could ‘do it all’ (at least all the things she really wants to do… which for her… is a LOT).
Listen to Vanessa as she shares:
- How she handles “Mom Guilt” (because mom’s, it’s very real- right?)
- Her creative ways for connecting deeply with each of her children, individually
- How she decides what to ‘add to her plate’
- How she’s found a way to thrive amidst the ‘classic’ chaos of a busy person
- What she does when she feels overwhelmed or anxious
- How she figured out what makes her thrive
- How she gets it all done
- And then I wanted to pick her brain a little, entrepreneur to entrepreneur, about how she builds her business while taking care of so much
- Finally, I surprise attack her by asking her to define “Intentional Living”- I LOVED her response
Find Vanessa at reddresstransformations.com or on Instagram @reddresstransformations