A Core Stability Share
I'm on an expansive journey of self illumination with the transmission known as the Gene Keys
The Gene Keys invite us into an incredible inner world - a world in which we see how we are co-creating our experience
One of the promises of the Gene Keys is Core Stability
It is safe to be you
It is safe to be me
I mean it is genuinely safe to show up in this world as ourselves
-something I've never believed
something it feels like I've rarely experienced
Until now
Turns out I've been I confused about how life works
I've been believing the main stream and things that just aren't true
But now the Gene Keys are reorienting me and opening me up to a whole new world
One of truth, one where my heart gets to sing rather than wither
This life is a beautiful exploration
Who are you?
What are you?
What have you come to express with the rest?
And how do we find stability in a world that frequently feels less than safe?
For me, I'm following my Gene Keys,
would you like to join me?
This share is a story about my quest for Purpose: Gene Key 38, the Siddhi of Honor, the shadow of struggle by way of the gift of Perseverance
It's a story about perseverance and core stability finding me
I hope you enjoy it
You're invited to share your reflections, impressions, and questions with me,
we're waking up, let's do it together?
For all the current offerings please visit: https://linktr.ee/kathyzodiaco