Today's Episode: Finally able to depart Belgard and make their way to Jakir our adventurers deal with heavy rain and dangerous predators.
Welcome to Azkhazir, Into the Dungeon’s first campaign broadcasted and saved for your viewing. Azkhazir is intended to be a long form story crafted through player improvisation and dungeon master planning.
Worlds are colliding in the land of Azkhazir. The ripples from events set in motion thousands of years in the past are just now being felt as Winter moves against Summer. Changing technology threatens old orders, and the divide between those who have and those who have not grows ever wider. Into the midst of these tumultuous conflicts step six unwitting people; an Eladrin Walker ever vigilant against Unseelie ambitions, a Yuan-ti seeking to ply the family trade far from home in a land both strange and familiar, a Centaur determined to expand his horizons, a Firbolg Druid trying to rebalance a plane struck by cosmic imbalance, a Tiefling Monk walking a path of death estranged from her family, and a young, idealistic human dreaming of greatness while driven into hiding by a deadly mystery.
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Justin Powell
Patrick McCannon
Ashley Hedges
Whitley Taylor
And Creed Brandley
Special Thanks:
Thank you for access to their expansive collection of music and ambiance. Please go check them out!
Thank you to our Patrons : Jamie Terry
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