Welcome to the debut episode of “Into the Nuance: Compassionate, Evidence-Based Pre-Med Advising.” Join us each episode as we unravel the complexities, debunk myths, and explore the many paths to medical school. Whether you’re a freshman or a pre-med veteran, we’re here to provide informed, realistic, and hopeful advice for your journey. Tune in for interviews with experts, stories of triumph, and useful tips as you continue towards medical school. This is “Into the Nuance,” and we’re so glad you’re here.
For the past fifteen years, Joanne Snapp has helped pre-health students on their journey to a health career. After serving as the Director of Admissions at an allopathic medical school in New York followed by helping thousands of students as a pre-health advisor in California, she gained the insight and knowledge needed to provide holistic, compassionate advising to future applicants.
Independent Pre-Health Advising | My Honest Advisor
With more than a decade of admissions and advising experience, our honest advisor at MyHonestAdvisor can help you navigate the path to your health career from beginning to end.
Amanda Brem created the Brem Method after years of ‘for fun’ teaching. While in her Masters’ program, she had been teaching the MCAT through a big test prep company for a little extra money. Amanda quickly ended up tutoring my classmates, lab mates, and friends-of-friends who she connected with over dinners or coffee. Over and over, Amanda would hear the same frustrations about the MCAT: burnout, competitiveness, overwhelming amounts of content and resources, and no time or energy or support to do it all and be a human being at the same time. She developed a highly flexible yet motivating study system that is focused on fitting in with your life, not taking it over.
Brem Method
Today’s students are faced with unprecedented challenges when entering college and preparing for graduate and professional schools. We provide the support and guidance for learners to maximize their potential.
During the early 2010s, the idea of IcosaPrep was born. Doug McLemore‘s love of steps being built into my study plans to the idea of 20-step study guides came to be. He has been writing and will release a series of General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, General Biology, and General Physics primers each touting 20 steps to mastery. Alongside of this work, Doug tired with the one-size-fits-all mentality he had come to know in the commercial standardized test prep world. There had to be a different way than hours of classes and tutoring packages targeted at the lowest common denominator. He is now teaching classes and tutoring to help students not only with test prep skills, but also with fundamental skills like reading comprehension, time management, and study skills.
IcosaPrep – Admissions, Tutoring, Test Prep
In my many years of teaching and my experience in higher education, I’ve seen almost everything that students will face and enjoy helping them navigate the process. I’ve been called a curmudgeon with a heart of gold, and I will always strive to help students build self-reliance and a motivation to succeed.