In this episode, Doug Beitz delves deep into a thought-provoking conversation with Rob Grover and Gary Logan, who are the founders of The Journeymen Collective, the alternative wellness company creating luxury guided magic mushroom retreats at their center in British Columbia, Canada. Since 2018, they’ve hosted CEOs, entrepreneurs, athletes, actors, couples, and small groups invested in the highest level of self-discovery and personal development through sacred plant medicine. Guiding guests through contemporary ceremonies using psilocybin, the pair have a combined 60+ years of education in spiritual and metaphysical training, executive level mindset coaching, energetic healing modalities, Alexander Technique lessons, and provide support preparing for and integrating the transformational retreat. Visitors are immersed in an extraordinary personalized experience that often results in accelerating attendees' success and their intentions to create a conscious impact on the world. Rob and Gary believe that when psychedelics are facilitated in a professional manner, they can help us with our mental, emotional, and spiritual wellness.
Key Points Discussed:
Near-Death Experience Leading to Spiritual Awakening: Rob shares his near-death experience as a teenager, which kick-started his ability to see beyond the physical realm. Gary and Rob discuss how these experiences are used to assist others in their spiritual journeys.
Unlocking Hidden Senses: They explain how everyone has the potential to unlock subtle senses like seeing, smelling, and touching energy. While not everyone will see energy like colors, most people perceive it in unique ways tailored to their spiritual paths.
Energetic Surge and Rewiring: Rob recounts an energetic surge he experienced in 2003 while battling a flu, which he now calls an "upgrade." This event rewired his brain, allowing him to see beyond the three-dimensional world, and marked a transition from his strictly scientific perspective to embracing spirituality.
Trusting the Process: Rob and Gary discuss the importance of staying in the present moment, trusting the journey, and not falling into self-judgment. They use a pinball machine metaphor to describe how they guide their clients through life's challenges and help them stay on their path.
Acceptance and Surrender: The episode emphasizes leaning into acceptance and expanding the capacity to trust and surrender to the journey. Doug shares his thoughts on spiritual evolution and the importance of accepting one's current state without judgment.
Memorable Quotes:
"If I can do it, so can you." - Rob Grover
"You are only given what you can handle in that moment." - Gary Logan
"We're like the flappers on a pinball machine, guiding you through the journey." - Gary Logan
If you’re interested in exploring more about spiritual awakening and the transformative retreats offered by The Journeyman Collective, visit their website for more information.
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