Dr. Tim Seelig, Artistic Director of the San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus and National LGBTQ Center for the Arts, and author of his new autobiographical memoir "Tale of Two Tims: Big Ol' Baptist, Big Ol' Gay" joins Danny for a nice long conversation.
You can get a signed copy and custom message when you order Tim's book from timseelig.com
His book is available on kindle, paperback, AND the Audiobook is avaliable NOW: https://www.amazon.com/Tale-Two-Tims-Big-Baptist/dp/1635281067/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=tale+of+two+tims&qid=1593069230&sr=8-1
Catch this Saturday on June 27th, Tim's LIVESTREAM where he will read from the book, and SING!?: https://www.facebook.com/events/1167874110224284/
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