Dave and Phil describe their new monthly political comedy show, "Laughing Liberally" a mix of stand-up with desk pieces, sketches, news and improv. Phil recalls the history of the show which began in Tucson in 2011 at various locations from Sky Bar, Plush, FlyCatcher, and Club Congress. The newest version of the show will be hosted at the Tucson Improv Movement (TIM) and will feature the improv troupe "Ballot Babes" who provide a fresh and custom made style of lampooning. The opening show featured long time Arizona Star Editiorial cartoonist, Dave Fitzsimmons and Mo Urban, voted Best Comic in last year's Tucson Weekly poll. Dave and Phil host the show and provide political news with a twist of hilarity plus timely newsmaker interviews. Plus we look at the Tucson Comedy scene and review the new Adam Sandler Netflix film.