Get ready to get into the New Year with a bang, and a new guest. We were graced with Patrick and he rounds out our crew quite nicely. Jennie apologizes for an untimely pet passing, Patrick revisited an awkward Grinder encounter, and Brian accidentally send butt plugs for a Christmas gift. We head into our Weird Obsessions were we talk about Kevin Spacey’s annual Frank Underwood videos, Don’t F**k With Cats, Don’t Fuck This Up, YOU Season 2, and Nutella. So much love and planning about Nutella. Brian makes Cassi & Patrick jealous with his recent interactions, while Cassi continues to make us jealous of her lifestyle. We discuss the problems that follow with social warriors that serve as the internet police, and then everyone gives their 2020 goals. If you have a weird story involving Nutella or any other product mentioned, feel free to send those stories to [email protected]. Feel free to subscribe on Spreaker, iTunes, iHeart or wherever you find yourself enjoying podcast, and remember to Rate & Review when you have a free moment. Thanks for getting weird with us.