C the Problem - Part 1 of a Series Focused on Casting a Continuous Spotlight on the Maternal Mortality Rate in the U.S.
After decades of consistently declining numbers, the Maternal Mortality Rate (M.M.R.) reached an all-time low in the 1990's. But in 1997, the rate of maternal deaths began a rapid increase. What medical procedure shared a similar spike during these years of increase? Cesarean rates also shared a correlating path. In this episode of It Starts at Birth, Mark and Faith discuss the importance of looking at these rates side by side.
The Common Wealth Fund - Maternal Mortality in the United States: A Primer
Med Scape - What are the possible morbidity and mortality associated with cesarean delivery (C-section)?
CDC - Births and Method of Delivery
Statista - Number of Cesarean section procedures in the United States from 1997 to 2018
CDC- Recent Trends in Cesarean Delivery in the United States
USA Today - Which states have the worst maternal mortality?
ACOG - Safe Prevention of the Primary Cesarean Delivery
ACOG - ACOG Statement on Maternal Mortality