There is no Eastern thinking or Western thinking, there is only thinking. Truth is not yours or mine. It has no path to it. A mind that is religious does not belong to any nationality, has no belief, but such a mind has exercised the quality of doubt so that it questions, doesn't obey the edicts of any religion, sect, or guru. We have banished religion from our life. We have banished death from our life. We have postponed it. Why do we banish the actual demand for truth? Why does the mind live in time? Because we allow time, the fact becomes important. If there is no time, it is resolved. Can you end your attachment instantly -- your anger, your violence, your greed, end while living? Why should I take a certain position to meditate? Why should I practice -- to arrive where? You cannot experience enlightenment. When the mind is absolutely silent, without any movement of thought, then perhaps you will see something; perhaps there is something sacred beyond all words. This channel is managed by the Krishnamurti Foundation Trust, UK, and by the Krishnamurti Foundation of America. The role of the foundations was described by Krishnamurti when he said, 'The foundations will see to it that these teachings are kept whole, are not distorted, are not made corrupt. They will not give rise to any sectarian spirit in their activities... nor create any kind of place of worship around the teachings or the person.'