Welcome to America’s most positive podcast, the Jim Fannin Show! This show is dedicated to being in the peak performance mindset called the Zone. It is here that you are at your genuine, authentic best self in all areas of life.
Today is a day of unknowns. With the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, most lives in America are being turned upside down. The World Health Organization (WHO) officially calls coronavirus a global pandemic.
Do I go out to dinner or not? Do I cancel my spring break trip to Florida or not? My mother is in a nursing home. Is she protected or not? We are at a national emergency crossroad. America needs extreme positivity right now. We need solution-oriented thinking. America needs all Zoniacs to positively influence the key people in their lives. That’s what this week’s episode is about.
The discussion focuses on:
• Who are the key people in your life and how can you positively influence them?
• Make a list of people you interact with daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly. Assess each person on this list as to their individual self-discipline, concentration, optimism, relaxation, and enjoyment. Total each S-C-O-R-E column and ascertain which component is lowest.
• Next, determine how you will interact with your key people.
• Learn and apply two relaxation techniques and share them with your inner circle.
• Immunize yourself from your key people’s negativity (if any). Visualize positives results only.
• Conduct daily S.C.O.R.E.® Checks.
• Visit the Zone Café and ascertain the weak S-C-O-R-E link that’s inhibiting your peak performance.
Immunize yourself from negativity and positively activate your inner circle, sphere of influence.
If you have questions, comments, or something you want us to cover during our “Ask Jim” segment, you can email Jim directly and we’ll cover it on next week’s show!
Don’t forget to order Jim’s book, “The Blueprint: A Proven Plan For Successful Living” now at Amazon.com!
Ready to see results in every major area of your life in just 7-10 days? Get Jim’s 90-Second Rule program, consisting of 6-hours of audio, write-able workbook and video. Click here: 90-second-rule
Make sure to follow Jim Fannin on Twitter and Facebook as well!
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