John 00 Fleming presents JOOF Radio 064
I always like to compliment my own mixes with the guest mix, something I do organically when playing at clubs/festivals to make smooth transitions from the DJ's playing before and after, then head in my own direction once in my flow.
This month we have a heads-down dark mix from Kozy (AlpaKa MusiK), so I've set things up with a nice lush hypnotic mix with sprinkles of magical moments.
Guest mix: KOZY (Canada)
---- John 00 Fleming ----
Kay-D - Chimaera [JOOF Aura]
Alex O Rion - Blackout [Meanwhile]
Jeff Ozmits & Miguel Ante - Dance Of Eternity (Fuenka Remix) [UV]
XSPANCE - Blacklight (Callecat Remix) [24 bit MASTER]
Alex O Rion - Tunnel [Meanwhile]
Atlas - Nebula [JOOF Recordings]
Rick Pier O Neil & David Weed - Aztek (RPO Remix)
SMOKE G - Clash of Emotions (RPO Remix) [RPO Records]
Art Of Trance - Seven Sisters (Basil O'Glue Remix) [Platypus]
Visua - The power of your mind [JOOF Recordings]
Egorythmia, Zyce, Flegma, Ectima - Void
---- Guest mix ----
Guest mix: KOZY (Canada) - AlpaKa MusiK
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