If you write only because you love to, you won’t need to bother with marketing. But if you are publishing by yourself and wish to be read by as many among your target audience as possible, you will have to learn an additional skill—how to market your books. It would help to be clear about your goals at the outset, because effective book marketing takes some early planning and effort.
For authors, marketing essentially involves drawing and engaging your target audience by sharing more about yourself and your book. It really is as simple as communicating.
But it involves work. In this podcast, we share 11 book promotion ideas that will improve your book’s visibility among your target audience and help you sell more books. Some of the suggestions, like entering metadata, are inherent to a book’s publishing process and would require little additional effort.
Some other ways to market suggested here may appear unnecessary; but remember your goals, and exercise the same discipline with your book marketing plan as you would in your writing.