Well, we stayed on topic for one episode...
This month Megg, Ollie, and Stephanie read Blackmail and Babingka by Mia P Manasala, the third book in Tita Rosie's Kitchen Mystery! If you can't tell, we cannot get enough of this cozy mystery series. We also have experienced a month of new media, and it's just been a few weeks since we've chatted! So grab a cuppa tea or a glass of wine, and come listen in on our monthly book club discussion!
Join us at the end of every month, or maybe the beginning, as we discuss a new book!
Next Book: The Pallbearers Club by Paul Tremblay (and unofficially, Our Last Echoes by Kate Alice Marshall!)
Got questions, comments, or want to recommend a book to us? Check out our website www.judgingbookcovers.com, or find us on social media!
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