Professional Sex and Intimacy Coaches Dr. Danielle Harel and Celeste Hirschman share with host Alissa Kriteman, the magical world that is available when women tap into and allow their deepest desires to be expressed. As Certified Sexological Bodyworkers, Celeste and Danielle are able to give us straight talk about the importance of feeling into our bodies and pussy for information and guidance instead of our minds. In this in-depth and enlivening episode, Alissa discusses with Celeste and Danielle what Sex and Intimacy Coaching is, how it works and how all women can benefit from the very different and powerful approach to healing they offer. A body and breath based therapy, Celeste and Danielle discuss the massive healing and wisdom that can come from a few sessions in this non-traditional (and increasingly popular) bodywork that serves to help release past issues, freeing women to pursue their heart’s desires and dreams. SHIT YEAH! Highly trained academics as well as deeply intuitive bodyworkers, Celeste and Danielle teach women the power of Erotic Embodiment ~ learning to harness erotic (sexual) energy for true self-awareness and empowerment. We also discuss how to Attract your Ideal Partner with Erotic Energy which is a far cry from how most of us were taught to attract a man. THIS is about women knowing and loving themselves and having healthy boundaries to attract a lover or partner versus unconscious, unhealthy patterns running the show. The last segment is about Orgasm. Celeste and Danielle give us an in-depth overview of the kinds of orgasm we, as women, can have with special focus on the G-spot orgasm. This segment captures the importance of having a solid and loving partner who will be able to hold space for the terrific releases that can accompany this kind of deep orgasm. Celeste and Danielle offer courses for women and men, singles and couples, same sex couples and for parents (yey, up-to-date sex education we can really use)!