John Pace was just 17 years old when he pled guilty to felony murder and was sentenced to mandatory life without parole. John spent 31 years in prison until a change in law allowed for his release. John now works to impact the lives of others as a Senior Reentry Coordinator for YSRP and as an active member of the Inside-Out Program at Temple University. John has been featured in the Nation Magazine, CBS Sunday Morning and on NPR for his inspiring efforts and vision of justice. Join us as we talk about John's journey to prison and beyond, the importance of education, his upcoming documentary "Disrupted," and taking his first walk after prison to the local 7-11.
To learn more about John Pace and the work that he does:
Explore the Youth Sentencing and Reentry Project,.
From the Nation Magazine, "John Pace and HIs Friends Expected to Die in Prison."
Take a sneak peak at his upcoming documentary Disrupted: Injustice, Trauma and Healing.
To learn more about Jessica Henry:
Watch my TEDx talk No-Crime Wrongful Convictions here.
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Check out my award-winning book Smoke but No Fire: Convicting the Innocent of Crimes that Never Happened