It’s a new decade, and I’m coming back to this practice of uploading improvisations. I’m recording at home, where there’s occasional traffic noise.
As I was coming home from walking my fourth-grader to school, the Burgmuller Arabesque in a minor was running through my head, because I have a student working on it.He’s a music minor with percussion as his primary instrument, and he’s really a beginner pianist, but two years ago he came to my office and asked about learning piano. I gave him my standard reply: here are a couple of recommended books, and you’re welcome to come by my office hours and to come to studio class if you want to, and then we can see. Usually when I tell people that, I never see them again. But he really did it, and he came to every single studio class for two years: he absolutely earned a spot in the studio. So now he’s working on the Burgmuller Arabesque, and doing very well, and he’ll be playing it in studio class this week.