Today's episode of Learn. Do. Inspire explores what it means to embody that of love. Often times we get caught up in an idea of what it means through the influence of TV, Music, and general social constructs... However, I feel that many of us miss that important pivotal step of loving ourselves first before we enter friendships and relationships.
But please note: How you approach the world in your outlook mentally, spiritually, physically, and emotionally is fundamental for how you contribute to bettering the spaces around you.
In this episode, we discuss how my maker, creator, and universe are that of LOVE. It's literally who he is. Throughout all of history, he's exercised his power through his commands of both good and bad things which is important to acknowledge because it is only through his tender mercy, love and kindness, that I am sitting here today talking to you -- and that you are sitting here alive, well, and breathing reading this very description. In my previous episode, I stress how important it is to look past the materialistic world that man has created and understand that we live solely within the mind of the all. But understand that we are conditioned to see life in this 2-dimensional reality when it's sooo much more than that.
In our discussion of love, it's through that of the term Agape meaning love that comes from God, because again he is love... However, I want to stress that LOVE is also a CHOICE. It's an ability through which we have the power to exercise it when we are faced with offenses done by others.
1st Corinthians V13 says:
Love is Patient and Kind. Love is not Jealous. It does not brag, and it is not proud. Love is not rude, it is not selfish and it cannot be made angry easily. Love does not remember wrongs done against it. Love is never happy when others do wrong... but it is always happy with the truth. Love never gives up on people. It never stops trusting, never loses hope, and never quits. Love will never end.
It's nice to read what's written in the Bible but very seldom do we apply what we read to ourselves -- which overall segues into self-love.
Love is patient? But are we patient with ourselves? Are we kind to ourselves? Even the world around us? There are many aspects to our ecosystem that feeds and sustains the lifestyle we're comfortable having but are we loving towards the earth? Its species? Its resources? Its land?
Because fam, if you don't love yourself, how can you really and truly even love those around you? Are the same standards and expectations that we set for other people even being followed by you?
I always say that unity is Love. I strongly doubt that we were all put on this earth to try and get through it alone. I'll gladly be the first to admit that life isn't fair. It isn't easy... but really and truly the only way to combat evil is to let it slide right off of you through being extremely truthful, vulnerable, and trusting of each other. And if that isn't easy for you-- reflect on if you're rude to others, or easily peeved when someone has done something inconsiderate towards you. Or if you're made angry when you don't receive something you felt you were deserving of...Are you seeking the truth? Or are you content with living ignorantly in settings that don't sustain you?
Behind closed doors, we need to reflect and ask how we want to see ourselves... How do we want to nurture unproductive energy into productive energy? What do we need to change in our lifestyles to get there?
We don't just exist as one people, or one culture, or one ethnicity, or one species - so it's really worth asking: How are we actively coming together to better one another?