Paul Kobylensky is a guitarist for the group Random Change. He performs with Strange Waters and Pink Droyd. And he’s the main force behind the Monthly Muso Nights at the Ruin Bar here in Fort Wayne.
Oh yeah, and he also does a little bit of writing for premier publications like PyleStyle’s From the Bandstand.
Mostly, though, we were eager to interview Paul because he shares our mission of building a community of artists and musicians to grow, celebrate, and support the local scene. Too many artists work their butts off on their projects only to get a lackluster reception. That’s because not enough of us are showing up to support our fellow community members. You want people to take an interest in what you’re doing, you have to pay it forward by attending your friends’ and colleagues’ shows.
In this episode, we talk to Paul about moving to Fort Wayne and how it compares to Seattle and Nashville. We talk about all his music projects and what he’s most excited about in the coming months and years. But we mainly focus on what it means to be part of a music community.
We knew Paul to be trenchant and eloquent, but we were caught off guard by just how funny and irreverent he is. The conversation makes for a great episode, and we’re already looking forward to working with him more in the future.
In the meantime, let us know what you think, on social media, in the comments below, or by email ([email protected]).
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And find Paul on Facebook. Go to the Random Change website. And then go Paul’s site for musicians, The New Rockstar - How to ‘Make It’ in Music.
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