I recently converted my personal website from Wordpress to Drupal; Wordpress is a rich CMS experience, but it has its limitations and technical deficiencies. When I invested my time in Drupal years ago, I was blown away by the vast amount of development possibilities. The concepts of themes, modules(plugins), users, and Content types are all in Wordpress, but to a relatively limited degree. The empowering force of Drupal is that it’s a Content Management Framework(CMF) to build Content Management Systems(CMS). Basically, you can use Drupal to solve any strategic pain point since you are the one creating the CMS.
I am not trying to trash Wordpress, as there are different needs for different projects that can only be determined case-by-case. At the moment, Drupal is the solution for my development needs, and I just can’t see myself going back to Wordpress... but who knows what will happen in the year 3030? Only Deltron zero, hero, not no small feat.