Happy Thanksgiving! On this day we tend to reflect on what we are thankful for. Most people say generic things like family, friends, their job, or whatever else. All of these things are both amazing and extremely important. With that said though, I believe that as human beings, the One Thing we all should be most thankful for is our Freewill. The greatest gift we were ever given is the ability to choose how we react to things that happen to us, what we wear, what we eat, the job that we do, and the relationships that we create. No other species on the planet gets to choose how they live their life. As humans, we do, and we should not only take full advantage of that, but we should also be extremely grateful for it.
In this episode, Kenny Cannon goes over the truth of Freewill, how to start applying it to your life, and how to take 100% responsibility for your results. Freewill and responsibility are scary things because it means that we must take ownership in everything that we do. It's much easier to live a life of a victim, blame others for your failures, and complain. This way of life though will leave you with nothing but regrets. By choosing Freewill, we have the power to be whatever we want to be, create what we want to create, and do what we want to do. We also have the ability to change what we want to change. Freewill is the most powerful Superpower that we have as humans. It's time more people start using it. This episode will teach you how.