is probably the most substantially graced herb in theline of immunostimulatory and anti-inflammatory Polysaccharidebased herbs that we have in as far as being available. The mostpotent immune-enhancing property is the proponent inulin. Foundin the E. augustifolio root it weights in at a high concentration of5.9 percent of the total of the herb. Inulin also consists of somefructose units.
The leaves and stems contain a great number of additionalflavonoids, Rutoside being the most abundant. Also the herb hasan energizing effect given off due to the high amounts of caffeicacids within the herb.
Historically, Native Americans have been known to use this herbextensively. In point of fact, American Indians use Echinaceamore than any other plant in the treatment of illness. The root is used primarily in the treatment of infections, toothache, joint pain, and is an antidote for snakebites (SpecificallyRattlesnakes).
In 1909 The Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry began a long research period on the herb. Ironically, it wasdeemed to be unworthy of extensive research, however it remained on the books of the National Formulary of theUnited States until 1950.
The fresh pressed juice of E. Purpurea, as well as the polysaccharide components of the Echinacea species,promotes tissue regeneration and has been shown to reduce inflammation. Echinacea has also been shown to exertmild, direct, cortisone-like effect and excretes adrenal cortex hormones.
The immune system is the first and foremost target of this herb. It will help stimulate the repairs in this area andstrengthen it as well. It has been shown to have prominent results in studies regarding the infections of and problemsresulting from cancers. It is also possible, though not specifically pointed out that this herb can be a useful additionto a treatment course for those who are HIV+. This has yet to be determined, however, with the benefits to theimmuno-system it stands to reason that it could have direct positive effects in the building up of this area.
Due to the positive effects, Echinacea has on the immuno system; it would be highly recommended that anyindividual who suffers from even occasional colds and infectious problems of this nature, to take this herb as aregular treatment. This herb can be found now, in lozenge, capsule and tea formulations.