Found this post to be of great benefit. It's a long post, and inconvenient for most to simply read it, so I've done ya'll the benefit of making a video where I go through the whole post with some commentary.
I titled it "How Would Batman Fast Ramadan?"
You can find the entire original post by Rehan Jalali on his Facebook:
"Surviving a 16 Hour Fast While Improving Focus, Health, Energy, and Fitness" By: Rehan Jalali, C.S.N.
Due to the Intermittent fasting movement, many people have incorporated regular fasting into their lives. The 8 hour diet and others are very popular these days.
Well, Ramadan is the NBA Championship of fasting! Most people see the month of Ramadan as a time when they will surely lose strength and or muscle mass and some people think they can only “maintain” during this month.
This cannot be further from the truth. In fact, if you use some of the strategies I am about to share with you, you can make some of your best gains during this month! It’s all about maximizing nutrient uptake/Lowering any chance of deficiencies, maintaining proper hydration, boosting immune function, maximizing while on little sleep, and modifying key fat burning/muscle building hormones in your favor during this month.
And of course PREPARATION—If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail!
Plus, how can you truly maximize this month spiritually and get in the zen zone if your body is sick, tired, and your mind isn’t sharp?
Make sure you set specific fitness goals for Ramadan, write them down and put on your fridge, and go and achieve them!'