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The world's first/best/only 80's action movie podcast. Every week hosts Alex Pischera and Peter Guarraci bring on a guest to discuss a different film from the action cannon with occasional detours int... more
FAQs about Kill You Last Podcast:How many episodes does Kill You Last Podcast have?The podcast currently has 93 episodes available.
July 22, 2020Full Metal Jacket w/ Tait WinstonThis week Peter and Alex enlist in the Marines for the jokes. Tait Winston joins us to discuss Stanley Kubrick’s classic anti-war film, Full Metal Jacket. We talk great acting, Kubrick conspiracy theories, and the hells of war. This is my rifle. This is my gun. Follow Tait on Instagram: @winston_comedyFollow Kill You Last Podcast on Instagram: @killyoulastpodcastFollow Alex on Instagram & Twitter: @alexpischeraFollow Peter on Instagram & Twitter: @theguarraci (IG) / @guarraci (Twitter)...more34minPlay
June 30, 2020Violent Cop (1989) w/ Alex PayneTalk about uncut gems... comedian Alex Payne comes back on the podcast to talk about a movie we had never heard about before, Takeshi Kitano’s Japanese language masterpiece - Violent Cop. We talk movie influence, gangster style, and when comedians go dark. You’re gonna wanna wear a sharkskin suit after this one.Follow Alex Payne on Instagram: @alexpaynecomedyFollow Kill You Last on Instagram: @killyoulastpodcastFollow Alex Pischera on Instagram & Twitter: @alexpischeraFollow Peter Guarraci on Instagram & Twitter: @theguarraci (IG) / @guarraci (Twitter)...more36minPlay
June 22, 2020Commando w/ Robert GuarraciEvery superhero has an origin story. This week we tell how Kill You Last became the Dark Knight of podcasts. Peter’s youngest brother, Robert, comes on to talk Commando - the 80’s classic that created the action movie as we know it. Stewardess, can I get a blanket for my friend?Subscribe to Kill You Last Podcast on YouTube: Kill You Last Podcast on Instagram: @killyoulastpodcastFollow Alex Pischera on Instagram & Twitter: @alexpischeraFollow Peter Guarraci on Instagram & Twitter: @theguarraci (IG) / @guarraci (Twitter)...more1h 19minPlay
June 10, 2020Gremlins w/ Josie DionIf you want to find out what happens when you feed a mogwai after midnight, check out my Instagram. Josie Dion calls in from Greece to talk about Gremlins real and imagined. And it being a Christmas movie, we talk about Santa Claus comedians making lists and checking them twice. Oh no, someone got Phoebe Cates wet.Follow Josie on Instagram: @josieafterhourzFollow Kill You Last Podcast on Instagram: @killyoulastpodcastFollow Alex Pischera on Instagram & Twitter: @alexpischeraFollow Peter Guarraci on Instagram & Twitter: @theguarraci (IG) / @guarraci (Twitter)...more1h 10minPlay
June 03, 2020Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure w/ Paul SprattThis week Alex and Peter learn that dumb dudes can change history. Paul Spratt comes on to talk Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure. We talk high school, Keanu’s early stardom, and smart writing about airheads. Be excellent to each other!Follow Paul Spratt on Instagram & Twitter: @paulsprattFollow Kill You Last Podcast on Instagram: @killyoulastpodcastFollow Alex Pischera on Instagram & Twitter: @alexpischeraFollow Peter Guarraci on Instagram & Twitter: @theguarraci (IG) / @guarraci (Twitter)...more1h 43minPlay
May 26, 2020Crimes and Misdemeanors w/ Burton FisherWho would you be if you could get away with anything? Burton Fisher comes on to talk Woody Allen’s Crimes and Misdemeanors. This one gets deep as we talk about God, Woody’s comedy and alleged crimes. If it breaks its tragedy.Follow Burton Fisher on Twitter: @fisherburtonFollow Kill You Last Podcast on Instagram: @killyoulastpodcastFollow Alex Pischera on Instagram & Twitter: @alexpischeraFollow Peter Guarraci on Instagram & Twitter: @theguarraci (IG) / @guarraci (Twitter)...more1h 21minPlay
May 19, 2020Quick Change (1990) w/ Robert CottoWhat kind of clowns are you? The kind with a podcast, I guess. Robert Cotto comes on the podcast to discuss a criminally underrated comedy masterpiece, Quick Change. We talk Bill Murray and how hard it is to leave New York City. You must have exact change.Follow Robert on Twitter: @robcottoCheck out Kill You Last Podcast on YouTube: Kill You Last Podcast on Instagram: @killyoulastpodcastFollow Alex on Instagram & Twitter: @alexpischeraFollow Peter on Instagram & Twitter: @theguarraci (IG) / @guarraci (Twitter)...more1h 14minPlay
May 12, 2020Labyrinth w/ Jordyn TaylorSometimes you need ugly muppets to show you the way. Jordyn Taylor connects with us from California to talk about Jim Henson’s Labyrinth, real estate, and her own projects during lockdown. Stay away from that baby, David Bowie!Follow Jordyn on Instagram: @jordyntaylornowFollow Kill You Last Podcast on Instagram: @killyoulastpodcastFollow Alex on Instagram & Twitter: @alexpischeraFollow Peter on Instagram & Twitter: @theguarraci (IG) / @guarraci (Twitter)...more1h 9minPlay
May 05, 2020Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome w/ Stephen PrattThe Thunderdome is what we call Central Park now. Stephen Pratt comes on to talk about Mel Gibson’s worst hair day, Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome. Where did Tina Turner go?Follow Stephen on Instagram & Twitter: @thestephenprattCheck out Kill You Last Podcast on YouTube: Kill You Last Podcast on Instagram: @killyoulastpodcastFollow Alex on Instagram & Twitter: @alexpischeraFollow Peter on Instagram & Twitter: @theguarraci (IG) / @guarraci (Twitter)...more58minPlay
April 29, 2020Top Gun (1986) w/ Larry BeyahAlex and Peter just got done with a quick game of volleyball (shirts on) so it’s time for another episode! Larry Beyah comes on to talk Top Gun, being in the Air Force, and how many shower scenes are too many shower scenes. You ever see a Russian MiG up close?Follow Larry on Instagram: @heishystericalCheck out Larry's podcast Letz Get Loud - www.letzgetloud.comCheck out Kill You Last Podcast on YouTube - Kill You Last Podcast on Instagram: @killyoulastpodcastFollow Alex on Instagram & Twitter: @alexpischeraFollow Peter on Instagram & Twitter: @theguarraci (IG) / @guarraci (Twitter)...more1hPlay
FAQs about Kill You Last Podcast:How many episodes does Kill You Last Podcast have?The podcast currently has 93 episodes available.