In Episode 27: I had a sparkly conversation with Johanna Silver. Her background at Sunset magazine and her approach to gardening was fantastic. She was clear to make a point that it's just another plant. To use her own words: "It's fine. If it all goes wrong, you just do it again next year. The definition of a gardener is not someone who gets it. Right. It's like, if you screw it up and you still keep going, then congratulations. You're a gardener. You know, like that's, that's all, that's all it is. You just, you have a passion for the process. It sort of doesn't even matter what the final outcome is."
BUT there is one specific outlier to the cannabis plant. SEXING: also known as Sensimilla which means “without seeds”. The term was coined in the 1970s on the west coast to describe seedless cannabis flowers that come from unfertilized female plants, specifically used to imply a high-THC-potency product. Sexing your plants to determine male from female is an integral step in producing seedless high cannabinoid plants. Males can be stored in a closed environment for breeding. BUT...if this is your first year lets focus on growing healthy females.
Johanna shared the difference between male and female. Luckily it is very similar to human anatomy. The Male has pollen sacks that are in a ball shape. Caution: your plants in their earlier weeks may all look like they are female. It takes time for the plant to reach the human equivalent of puberty.
Hope you enjoy this fantastic conversation with Johanna!
Listen in on ClubHouse in the Personal Plant room to our Live Q&A with Johanna Silver on Wednesday August 4th @ 3pm.