In the beginning, men and women were created equal in God's image, and both were made to be co-leaders, to “rule” over God’s creation (Gen. 1:27-28). However, when sin came into the picture, everything changed. With the curse of the fall (Gen. 3:16), discrimination of all kinds seeped in.
When the Day of Pentecost came, the Holy Spirit broke every barrier that is destructive to the fulfilment of God’s kingdom on earth. He elevated the status of women, the elderly, and the poor, making us one in Christ! Not only did the Holy Spirit give us new life, but He also equalised the partnership between men and women, restoring us to God’s original plan.
As biblical Pentecostals, we believe that both men and women are equally redeemed by Jesus and equally gifted by the Holy Spirit to serve Him, both at home and in the church. We must live in mutual submission, mutual love, mutual authority, and mutual honour.