“Establish things calmer without yelling.” - Kameron
“I don’t feel good when I yell, it makes me feel sad.”- Zakiya
“No one is 100% percent right every time, adult or not.”-Zakiya
The way we communicate with our children is so important! I struggle with remaining calm in stressful situations. Honestly, I can admit that I yell. In this episode, Kam and I speak about the negative effects of yelling and how it can impact the relationships we have with our children.
As a single mom there are many interchangeable factors and daily dynamics that play a major part in our lives. Kam and I are often on the run between work, school, homework, dinner, basketball practice and just the hustle of life! It can be very overwhelming! How many moms can relate to a never- ending schedule? So how do we keep our cool, parents? How do we minimize our feelings of frustration when our children aren’t doing what we’ve asked them to do? How can we “establish things calmer” (in my Kam voice) ?
Identifying when we are wrong in any relationship is important. Admitting you are wrong is key to establishing respect and appreciation. I have learned that being open and transparent with Kam in moments where I have overreacted has allowed us to problem solve and remain close. Accepting that as parents, we still don’t have all the answers can be a life-changing revelation. Let us make a conscious effort to change the dynamic in our homes.
Here’s a few points from tonight’s Konvo with Kiya and Kam:
Come up with a list of ways to communicate your frustrations with your children.
Don’t approach any situation when you are already upset. COOL OFF first!
Establish a clear system of communication with everyone in your home.
Identify things that trigger you and express those things to your loved ones. (Ex. Leaving dirty dishes in the sink.)
Apologizing is IMPORTANT. Don’t brush things off!