The Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools (KCKPS) has a history of excellence in leadership. Since its formation in 1844, only 12 superintendents have served at its helm. Dr. Cynthia Lane took her position as superintendent in July 2010.
Lane has more than 30 years of professional experience in the educational realm, including 25 years in Kansas City, Kansas. In KCKPS, she has served as a special education teacher, a principal, and director of the Wyandotte Comprehensive Special Education Cooperative. Before being named superintendent, she served as assistant superintendent for instruction and business.
Being the voice for 20,000 students and the mentor for 3,300 staff is not an appointment she has taken lightly. Her charge remains to see the community transformed by the important work going on in KCKPS.
Giving kids hope is what being an educator is all about, and that’s what initially led her to a career in the field.
Growing up in southeast Kansas in the city of Parsons, Lane’s parents instilled in her the importance of hard work through their examples. She also was influenced by the positive and loving characteristics of her grandmother and her aunt Thelma.
Her time as a volunteer at the Parson’s State Hospital gave her a sense of self-worth and taught her about the importance of helping others. It set the stage for her later years in the field of special education.
While she is proud to be the 12th leader of the Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools, she is also humbled. What makes her happiest is seeing the success of others and she’s eager to lead the way, not by walking in front of others, but by walking beside them and giving them support.
One of her favorite quotes comes from the great Chinese philosopher Lao-tsu who said, “When the best leader’s work is done, the people will say, ‘We did it ourselves.'”
When this happens, she knows she will have achieved success.
The above information was taken from KCKPS.
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