This is the first of a two part podcast. The first part is on the causes for workplace stress whilst the second part of this podcast is about the coping mechanisms to manage and overcome these stresses to bring balance in your lives.
Workplace stress is the harmful effect that people experience because of undue pressures and demands placed on them at work. And the issue of workplace stress is aggravated by the gigantic crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Workplace stress is a killer that creeps on you silently. It gradually moves in from the shadows, sapping your energy, bringing down your confidence levels and affecting your concentration and focus. Workplace stress is a serious issue when you see that the age group from 30 to 39 years faces the maximum impact of stress on their Body, Mind, Behaviour and Emotions. From a recent research, listed below are some very disturbing statistics of the impact of workplace stress for employees in the 30 to 39 years age group is listed below:
Impact of Stress on Body - between 82% to 87%
Impact of Stress on Mind - between 91% to 93%
Impact of Stress on Behaviour - between 83% to 89%
Impact of Stress on Emotions - between 87% to 91%.
The major contributors to workplace stress, are those relating to - loss of jobs, limited control on work responsibility, Rapid Technology changes, poor transparency, communication issues, unbalanced operating style and unrealistic job demands
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