LET THE S2 ‘BURBSIN BEGIN, LUNATICS! In what is easily the most glorious thing to happen to KBB since the Hanks/Wilsons beat COVID, Dr. Kurt Money talks with ACTUAL PERSON FROM THE ‘BURBS, KATE WAITS (@RealKateWaits on Twitter), the all time JEOPARDY! champion who can be heard off screen dominating the game while Ray bails on Carol and game night to go snoop with Art. The expectations for this were so high, I feared it could only disappoint. Well.....IT DID THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE AND SKYROCKETED PAST EXPECTATIONS AND SOARED RIGHT “THROUGH THE MOON!*” (*t-shirts pending). The good doctor is a different doctor now. He’s a part of The ‘Burbs history now and forever!!! And the thirst for more ‘Burbstery solving is strong, lunatics. STRONG! Be sure to check out the Instagram @kurtsburbsblurbs for fun examples of fair use by yours truly. Then go to Twitter and thank @RealKateWaits for being so amazing and accommodating to me and The Kurts desire to find every single puzzle piece there is to the 1989 Joe Dante masterpiece, THE ‘BURBS. She got a message ONE WEEK AGO from a sweaty pathologist with 5 followers who HAD to talk about The ‘Burbs by Wednesday. That pathologist was me, neighbors. She was game and legit has me SHOOK less than a minute in. #ABB