René speaks with the authority and confidence of the leader who has seen and experienced it all before. René draws much from his own unique lived experiences from his executive and non-executive career such as Managing Director at IPC Media and serving on a variety of boards including Pepsi and the Inland Revenue.
All leaders and winning businesses have one thing in common. René calls it SPIKE – your natural inherent strength, something you are truly GREAT at. When it comes to answering the most important question “What are you Great at?”, many will find themselves at a loss. Spike will enable you to unleash your inherent strengths and realise your true potential. As René says, “If you accept your limitations, you go beyond them.” By focusing on colleagues strengths it naturally fosters a more collaborative, diverse and inclusive culture as people from different ‘walks of life’ offer different but vital skills.
This strengths based leadership approach will assist you in making the most honest and authentic assessment of your true (few) outstanding inherent strengths (Spikes).
Spikes’ strengths based focus is the most straightforward and perhaps most progressive leadership approach to:
- Building self-esteem and confidence
- Accelerating your executive career
- Building truly inclusive high-performing teams
- Ensuring no-one is left behind
How do you get in contact with Rene:
- Profile - themarque.com/profile/rene-carayol
- Linkedin - linkedin.com/in/renecarayol
- Instagram - @renecarayol
- Twitter - @renecarayol
- Email - [email protected]
- Website - www.carayol.com
- Speaking Enquiries - carayol.com/contact