While ancient wisdom has been saying that Joy and Happiness truly is an inside job, modern science has now caught up. It’s said that 50% of our happiness levels tend to come from our genetic makeup and pre-disposition, 10% comes from external circumstances and a whopping 40% comes from cultivating an INNER capacity for joy. ***I got this from Alexis sheet***
Join us in this conversation where we will discuss…
* What makes us happy
* Our rituals that bring us joy
* What dogs can teach us
* How leaders take responsibility for their happiness
* The ripple effect of loving yourself unconditionally
* How giving can shift your mood instantly
* Creating the space to support others that are going through difficulties
* Happiness is a practice
* How every emotion is beautiful
* The difference between happiness and joy
* The thieves of joy
* The importance of cleaning up your surroundings
Audio Editor: Nick Aria