Most leaders are likely to find themselves leading through a crisis at some point. This last year has almost certainly put every leader in that position.
In a crisis panic, fear and anxiety can affect everyone. For a leader you might want to lock the door, bury you head and run away and hide from the problems.
When you’re leading through a crisis the vision and goals can be lost in a battle to just keep standing and operating. Doing this constantly is exhausting and morale falls without a sense of direction and when you’re always treading water.
A leader in this position may have to do things differently and I’m going to share three key areas that can ensure success for a leader, the team and the practice, even in a crisis.
If you liked this podcast you can find even more ideas and tools to help you improve your Leadership in my book Leadership in Practice and my blogs posted on Linkedin.
If you’d need help with a leadership challenge, I’d be delighted to discuss this with you and you can contact me at [email protected]. You can also connect with me on Linkedin, Twitter and Facebook or by visiting
It will be great to connect with you.
The Leadership in Practice podcast, hosted by Gary Hughes, is for Practice Managers and all leaders in general practice and if you are in this role, you’ll know how complicated and difficult it can be.
In each episode I’ll be discussing a business, management or leadership challenge, and I’ll provide ideas and tools to help you understand how you can be a better leader of your practice.
If you want to be a regular listener to the show the easiest way is to subscribe on Apple Podcasts. Don’t forget to visit our website and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter for more great ideas and advice to help you become a better leader of your practice.