We planned this month's leadership topic months ago. Unfortunately, it is so pervasive, it seems we are never out of coverage that touches on the topic. The #MeToo Movement is ever-present.
We've watched mortified, the accounts of Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby and recently the docu-series, Surviving R. Kelly, crowd the airways with information of improprieties, Amidst all of that, we watched a Supreme Court Justice embroiled in his own accusations of assault and even heard our 45th President of The United States, out of his own mouth, referencing grabbing women by their.... well you know.
The coverage has shined a brighter light on the ills of celebrity, politicians and work. Even as I prepare to send this, I've not mentioned the coverage of the Lieutenant Governor of Virginia's alleged incursion. We see that even those women we deem as powerful are not exempt from assault. How do we lead in this environment?
This movement, if it is in fact a movement, started back in 2006 under the initiation of Tarana Burke. However, it didn't get its current notoriety and head of steam until after a tweet in 2017 from Alyssa Milano urging others to share their stories of sexual harassment. The twitterverse then exploded with tweets from Gwyneth Paltrow, Ashley Judd and Uma Thurman.
In response to this call-to-action, bravery and truth spread across social media like wildfire. The transparency and coverage around a topic that's been far too many people's realities for far too long, is a powerful thing. We want to ask a few people their thoughts, their truths and their strategies.
Leadership is Personal!